ID Exelvision Exeltel
Short Name
Name Exeltel
Company Exelvision
Description In 1986, as the micro-computer market was getting ill, some french manufacturers thought that Telematic was the solution. Oric with the Telestrat, Thomson with the TO-9+ and Exelvision with the Exeltel proposed computers with built-in modems and teletext features.
The Exeltel was surely the most innovative of these three systems. It's a "super Minitel" wich can also be used as an answering machine, or can be your children teacher by downloading educative software through a dedicated network.
Date Available 1986
Type Computer
Alternate Names Exelvision Exeltel
Matches tosec Exelvision Exeltel - Firmware
tosec Exelvision Exeltel - Games - [BKP]
tosec Exelvision Exeltel - Games - [CRAM]
emutopia 335
oldcomputers 521
tosec Exelvision Exeltel - Firmware
    "id": "Exelvision Exeltel - Firmware",
    "name": "Exelvision Exeltel - Firmware",
    "altNames": [
        "Exelvision Exeltel"
tosec Exelvision Exeltel - Games - [BKP]
    "id": "Exelvision Exeltel - Games - [BKP]",
    "name": "Exelvision Exeltel - Games - [BKP]",
    "altNames": [
        "Exelvision Exeltel"
tosec Exelvision Exeltel - Games - [CRAM]
    "id": "Exelvision Exeltel - Games - [CRAM]",
    "name": "Exelvision Exeltel - Games - [CRAM]",
    "altNames": [
        "Exelvision Exeltel"
emutopia 335
    "id": 335,
    "name": "Exelvision EXL100 / Exeltel",
    "shortName": "exelvision-exl100-exeltel",
    "url": "",
    "type": "Computers",
    "emulators": [
oldcomputers 521
    "type_id": 1,
    "id": 521,
    "pages": {
        "photos": "photos.asp?t=1&c=521&st=1",
        "hardware": "hardware.asp?t=1&c=521&st=1",
        "software": "software.asp?t=2&c=521&st=1",
        "links": "links.asp?c=521&st=1",
        "docs": "docs.asp?c=521&st=1",
        "comments": "forum.asp?c=521&st=1"
    "image": "",
    "company_link": "company.asp?st=1&m=43",
    "company_name": "Exelvision",
    "company_logo": "",
    "description": "In 1986, as the micro-computer market was getting ill, some french manufacturers thought that Telematic was the solution. Oric with the <a href=\"computer.asp?c=235\">Telestrat</a>, Thomson with the <a href=\"computer.asp?c=240\">TO-9+</a> and Exelvision with the Exeltel proposed computers with built-in modems and teletext features.\nThe Exeltel was surely the most innovative of these three systems. It's a \"super Minitel\" wich  can also be used as an answering machine, or can be your children teacher by downloading educative software through a dedicated network.\n<a href=\"doc.asp?c=521\"><img src=\"graphs/readmore.gif\" border=\"0\" vspace=\"4\"></a>",
    "name": "Exeltel",
    "manufacturer": "Exelvision",
    "type": "Home Computer",
    "origin": "France",
    "year": "1986",
    "built_in_language": "Exelcom, Exelquad, Exelspeech.<br>Exelbasic+ delivered on cartridge",
    "keyboard": "detachable full-stroke keyboard, numeric keypad, 79 keys",
    "cpu": "TMS 7040 (Texas-Instrument)",
    "speed": "4,9 Mhz",
    "co_processor": "TMS 7042 (I/O)",
    "ram": "82 kb",
    "rom": "96 kb",
    "text_modes": "24 x 40",
    "graphic_modes": "320 x 200",
    "colors": "8 colors",
    "sound": "TMS-5220, built-in speech synthesizer",
    "size_weight": "40 x 30 x 6,5 cm (main unit)",
    "io_ports": "Cartridge slot, exelm?moire slot, expansion slot, tape-recorder, keyboard",
    "built_in_media": "Exelm?moire CMOS memory carts",
    "os": "Exeldos",
    "power_supply": "Built-in PSU",
    "peripherals": "Exelwriter printer, RS232/Centronics/mouse/superimposing addon, Exelmouse mouse, Exeldrum, Exeldisk, Exelrecorder (tape-recorder), Exelm?moire memory carts",
    "price": "Monochrom model : 547 <img src=\"/site/graphs/euro.gif\" align=\"bottom\"> (France, january 1987)<br>Color model : 700 <img src=\"/site/graphs/euro.gif\" align=\"bottom\">  (France, january 1987)",
    "photos": [
            "name": "Exeltel ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Main box ",
            "image": "",
            "description": "On the right side : on/off switch and reset button. Next to them, a cartrige slot."
            "name": "Rear ",
            "image": "",
            "description": "On the right side you can guess the keyboard connector. Then at the back : the power socket, the expansion ports and the video cable..."
            "name": "Keyboard ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Keyboard and logo ",
            "image": "",
            "description": ""
            "name": "Complete setup ",
            "image": "",
            "description": "This pictures shows and Exeltel with an Exeldisk, a tape-recorder, a mouse and a printer. The computer is actually connectef to a Teletext service."
            "name": "Amper Exeltel ",
            "image": "",
            "description": "This model was marketed by Amper in spain. Notice \"ñ\" key on the keyboard.<p class=\"petitgris\">Thanks to homecomputer-80 (Ebay seller) for this picture</p>"
    "hardware": [
            "name": "Cartridge",
            "image": "",
            "description": "These tiny cartridges are inserted into the front slot of the computer. A majority of games and software were sold on these cartriges."
            "name": "Controllers",
            "image": "",
            "description": "These joysticks use infra-red signals to communicate with the unit."
            "name": "ControllersInfra-red transmitter",
            "image": "",
            "description": "&gt;&nbsp;Infra-red transmitter<br>"
            "name": "ControllersInside",
            "image": "",
            "description": "&gt;&nbsp;Inside<br>Notice the battery cell used to send infra-red signals to the main unit !"
            "name": "EXL-188Exeldisk prototype ?",
            "image": "",
            "description": "&gt;&nbsp;Exeldisk prototype ?<br>This extension (under the printer and the EXL-100 unit) was presented as the Exeldisk, but was never sold and finally replaced by the EXL-135. What are the differences ?"
            "name": "Connection",
            "image": "",
            "description": "This shows an exledisk connected to an Exeltel through an Exelmémoire cartridge... There is also an expansion cartridge inserted (for RS232, Serial, etc...)."
            "name": "overview",
            "image": "",
            "description": "Exeldrums is quite an original expansion. It plugs at the rear of the system and acts as a digital drum machine with a built-in sequencer ! It has been developped with Hohner.\n<br><br>\nThe EXL-100 can thus play 6 different instruments at the same time chosen from 17. There are already 16 rythm presets built-in the system, and 54 more can be created. The output is stereo and can be connected to a hi-fi through the \"audio output\" socket. Quite impressive."
            "name": "modem for the Exelvision computers",
            "image": "",
            "description": "<p class=\"petitgris\">Thanks to laretrotienda (Ebay seller) for this picture</p>"
            "name": "Exelmouse",
            "image": "",
            "description": "This nice mouse can only be used with the right expansion box.<p class=\"petitgris\">Thanks to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Xavier Bonnefoy</a> for this picture</p>"
            "name": "connectors",
            "image": "",
            "description": "This extension, built in the same plastic box as the Exelmodem offers a serial port, a centronics port and a mouse connector. It really looks like an Exelmodem...without the modem. This expansion box was surely conceived for the Exeltel which already had a built-in modem...<p class=\"petitgris\">Thanks to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Xavier Bonnefoy</a> for this picture</p>"
            "name": "Exelmémoire",
            "image": "",
            "description": "This small card can store up to 16k. It plugs at the back of the computer. 64k Exelmémoires were planned but it's not clear if they were ever sold.\nNote the round battery cell on the board."
            "name": "64k Exelmémoire",
            "image": "",
            "description": "Normal Exelmémoire had 16k, but long-awaited 64k cartridges were sold at \"the end\" of Exelvision...<p class=\"petitgris\">Thanks to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Xavier Bonnefoy</a> for this picture</p>"
            "name": "EXL-80Printer",
            "image": "",
            "description": "&gt;&nbsp;Printer<br>This was the official Exlevision printer, built by the CGCT."
            "name": "EXL-80 prototype",
            "image": "",
            "description": "The EXL-80 was conceived by Euroterminal and produced by the CGCT. It can be used with the Exelvision computers as well as other computers. It's a impact-matrix printer with a 9-pins printing head. The character matrix is of 7 by 9 points. It can print 100 characters / sec. and has an optimised bi-directional printing. It has 96 different characters (ASCII). The graphical resolution is 72 x 72 dpi.\n<br><br>\nPrinting density : 10, 12, 15 or 16.6 characters/inch<br>\nLine spacing : 6 and 8 lines/inch<br>\nPrinting attributes : double height, double width, underline<br>\nPrinting field : 203.2 mm<br>\nInterfaces : Parallel/Centronic, Serial V24 (otional), Videotex (optional), RS-422/RS-485 (optional), IEEE-488 (optional)"
            "name": "Exelwriter",
            "image": "",
            "description": "<p class=\"petitgris\">Thanks to <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Xavier Bonnefoy</a> for this picture</p>"
            "name": "Tape-recorder",
            "image": "",
            "description": "This classic rebadged tape-recorder was also used by other computers, such as the Philips VG-5000..."
    "links": [
            "url": "computer.asp?st=1&c=123",
            "name": "Exelvision - EXL 100",
            "description": "Jacques Palpacuer was the man behind Exelvision."
            "url": "",
            "name": "Jacques Palpacuer interview",
            "description": "Very interesting pictures (in french)"
            "url": "",
            "name": "Soyouz Computer Museum",
            "description": "Awesome website dedicated to Exelvision. All you needed to know is here (french)"
            "url": "",
            "name": ""